Friday, August 24, 2007

first post. about me?

by saul williams

she asked that i remove my dreams
before entering her home
one cannot enter a courtroom bearing arms
i had decided to sharpen the edges
of a certain childhood fantacy
and tuck it away in my sock
emotional lavishness
can deplete memory banks
although her parents saved and saved
she knew no baptism
which is no fault
unless you have a christian name
i do not trust her
my plan was to attack in the 43 seconds
that it takes eyes
to adjust to moonlight
after lights out
no one told me
that dreams glow i the dark

and also...

"The things you're looking for, Montag, are in the world, but the only way the average chap will ever see ninety-nine percent of them is in a book.”

-fahrenheit 451, Ray Bradbury

the poem is from a book i read once in seventh grade. for some reason it always stuck with me. i know i dont know what it means, but i have a feeling im goning to understand it someday...maybe..ha.
I love books. of course i could'nt remember any of them when i needed quotes, but Bradbury's writings some up a good deal of my feelings about them. I like experiencing life from someone elses pont of view every one in a while, and i think reading a lot has improved my learning skills as a whole. god i sound like a nerd.
forgive my lameness,

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